Professional Lawn Mowing

We look after Plumpton and Surrounding areas, specialising in small, medium and large demestic properties, but not limited to. focusing on Weekend work, so if you have had a big week at work and dont feel like having to do the mowing, please give us a call, we will be happy to maintain your lawns and keep them looking trim and lush.

Ride on Lawn Mower
Lawn Mowing Services
Lawn Mowing and Gardening is our Business, we take our utmost pride in making everyones lawn look as green and trim as Possible. We Specialise in Lawn Mowing on the Weekends, we use Push Lawn Mowers on smaller properties and when doing larger properties the Zero Turn Ride on is used.
If you Own or Rent a Larger property then it can be a day long experience to do the lawn mowing on your own, thats why we have the Ride on Lawn Mowing service available for you, what takes you 3 Hours or More could take us less than an Hour using the Ride on Lawn Mower, and the rates for ride on Lawn Mowing can be Little more than a Standard size Property if maintained..
Edging / Whipper Snipping is more or less the most important thing that some people dont do when mowing the lawn it can be a difficult task to make neat and staight. Thanks why i always make sure that all edges are trimmed neatly and staight as it makes the whole job look superb. .
After each Lawn Mow we will blow away all the grass clipping from your immediate house area, driveway and pathed areas to make sure that it is left clean and grass timming free.
Lawn Mowing can be an arduaus task when left for long periods of time without mowing, thats why we will assess the best timeframe which your specific grass requires Lawn Mowing, wheather it be Weekly, Fortnightly, Three Weekly, Monthly or Longer. this Greatly depends on Seasonal Changes, Weather Conditiones and the Type of grass you have, Once this has been decided we will be happy to organise the bext time around your schedule to do your lawn mowing.
Mats Lawn and Garden Maintenance

Our Team

Lawn Mowing and Edging

Lawn Mowing Job Completed